Drilling Industry Glossary
abandon abnormal pressure acidizing air drilling alkalinity mud ambient angle of deflection annular blowout preventer annular pressure annulus API cake thickness API filtrate API well number axial load azimuth azimuth angle -
back off balanced cement plug barite BBL or bbl bent sub bill of lading (B/L) bit bit hydraulic horsepower bit size blowout blowout preventer (BOP) blowout preventer stack BML bottomhole bottomhole assembly bottomhole plug bottomhole pressure (BHP) breakout bring in a well buckling -
cable tool CaCl2 weight calcium, total hardness cap rock cased hole casing casing centralizer casing coupling (collar) casing hanger casing head casing point casing pressure casing shoe casing string casing wear cement cement additive cement bond cement bond survey cementing cementing pump chlorides chlorides whole mud choke choke line christmas tree circulate circulation sub close in coarse LCM coiled tubing collapse pressure complete a well completion completion fluid concentration condensate conductivity conductor pipe contract depth contractor core cratering critical rate critical velocity crooked hole crossover sub crude oil cuttings -
daily drilling report density hierarchy derrick derrickhand diamond bit differential pressure differential survey directional drilling directional drilling software displacement fluid doghouse dogleg dogleg severity donkey pump doughnut downhole motor downtime draw works drill collars drill collar sub drill pipe drill stem drill stem test (DST) drill string drillers drilling engineering design drilling fluid drilling foreman dry hole dual completion dutchman -
ECD electrical stability (volt) elevator equivalent hole ID excess - cement slurry excess lime excess - open hole expandable casing -
fault filtrate alkalinity fine LCM fish fishing float collar float shoe floorhand formation fourble fracture gradient fracture pressure friction friction factor (F.F.) funnel viscosity -
gas cap gas-cut mud gauge hole gel strength geologist geolograph -
hardbanding helical buckling helical lockup high gravity solids (HGS) hole hook hook load horizon horizontal drilling HSI HTHP cake thickness HTHP filtrate hydrocarbons hydrostatic pressure -
inclination inclination angle inner string intermediate casing -
jar jet bit jet impact force joint of pipe junk -
kelly keyseat kick kickoff point (KOP) kill -
lead cement ledge liner liner hanger liquids locations log (casing wear) log (well log) lost circulation low gravity solids (lGS) -
magnetometer make a connection make up make up a joint make up torque make up water: chlorides making a trip making hole making up a joint marsh viscosity measured depth (MD) mean sea level (MSL) mechanical jar methylene blue micro-annulus migration mixing mud monkey board mouse hole mud mud alkalinity mud cake mud ditch mud engineer mud line mud magnet mud pump mud report mud tanks mud type mud weight -
natural gas nominal nozzle -
offset offset well oil oil and gas software oil-based mud oilfield oil/water ratio open hole operator -
packer pay/pay sand/pay section PDC bit pH perforate permeability pick up pick up weight pig pigging pipe plastic viscosity (PV) plug plug and abandon (P&A) pore pressure porosity possum belly potassium (K+) ppb ppg primary cement job production casing pulsation dampener pumping schedule table -
rabbit rate of penetration rathole ream reciprocating relief well reservoir revolutions per minute(RPM) rig rigging up riser rotary drilling rotary kelly bushing (RKB) rotary table rotating off bottom (ROffB) rotating on bottom (ROnB) rotating weight rotational viscometer roughneck -
salt content water phase sand content sandfrac scratcher seismograph set casing shoe track (ST) shut-in bottomhole pressure side tracking single slurry sinusoidal buckling SK slack-off weight slim hole drilling slip velocity slips sloughing slurry slurry yield snubbing solids solids adjusted for salt soluble solids spacer spaghetti specific gravity spud or spudding in spud date stabilizer stand (of pipe) string structure stuck pipe substructure surface casing survey sustained casing pressure swabbing sweeps -
tail cement tension limit thribble tie-back liner ton-mile toolpusher top of cement (TOC) top of liner (TOL) torque torque and drag total depth (TD) total flow rate (TFA) traveling block trip in trip out tripping true vertical depth (TVD) tungsten carbide turbodrill turnkey contract twist-off -
underbalanced drilling unloading -
vertical section viscosity -
waiting on cement (WOC) water water activity (Aw) water phase salinity (WPS) water table weight indicator weight on bit (WOB) well logging well planning wellbore wellpath map whip stock wildcat workover worm or weavel -
yield point (YP) -
zonal isolation zone