Export Compliance
Export Controls are a group of federal laws & regulations that control products, services, and information for reasons of foreign policy and national security. PVI is committed to complying with U.S. laws and regulations and requires its customers to do the same regarding selling, exporting or re-exporting PVI software and technical information.
The US Export Administration Regulations (EAR) regulate the export and re-export of our software and technical information to foreign countries or to foreign nationals in the US. All our software products except one are designated EAR99, which is the least restrictive classification. No license is required to export or re-export our software products and technology for this category except to the Prohibited Countries/Destinations and Denied/Prohibited End Users. The only software, not designated EAR99 in our software suite is MSCluster, which has a specific Export Control Classification Number, (ECCN 0A998). We cannot sell MSCluster to Russian companies under §746.5 (Russian Industry Sector Sanctions).
Prohibited Countries/Destinations:
Our software products and technology may not be used, sold, exported or re-exported to the Prohibited Countries/Destinations, namely Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and the Crimea Region of Ukraine.
Prohibited End Users:
Our software products and technology may not be used, sold, exported or re-exported to any person or entity on the Denied Persons List or the Entity List maintained by the US Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, Bureau of Industry and Security, including terrorism-sponsoring organizations, and international narcotics traffickers.