Writers Blog, Readers Digest

“Though the sky is greyed with storm clouds deciding on if they should release their cargo on us or not, the sun is shining in my soul. Knowing that many times my words have been read makes the effort of creating something new every day all the more worthwhile.”
- John Thibeau (Canadian Writer)

Observing and reading are two of the most efficient ways of learning; they help us make sound and wise decisions when the situation calls for it.

As a writer, I have come to learn that the best way to express something and yet have an effect on the reader is by writing in a simple yet effective way where the foundation of the ideas, logic and purposes is well built. Even though we as writers express our own feelings with our writing, we do keep in mind what the readers want to read about and what interests them.

Writers write about what they observe in life, and that can lead them to have the desire to share all that information in just one article, but can the readers really benefit from all that vast information? Our intentions are the best, but the results are long articles that don’t have the effect intended. The readers will benefit more from articles that focus on a certain matter in which they can absorb the information and obtain good results from it.

In a similar way, we as software developers want our users to benefit from our software rather than getting lost in its complexity, trying to figure out how to use it. In our software development we focus on making the software easy to use, yet practical and professional.

Just like there’s a connection between writers and readers, there’s a big connection between developers and users. When ideas come to create or update a software, we think of ways to give our customers a simplified software, but at the same time a well advanced one, something they can really benefit from, sophisticated yet simple.

PVI Drilling Software - Sophisticated Yet Simple

Just like writers blog and readers digest, developers create and users benefit. At the beginning of the article we quoted from John Thibeau, who expressed how knowing that people were reading his articles was such an inspiration for him to write better articles, at PVI, we apply those words but with a minor change:

Knowing that many times our software is being used makes the effort of creating something new every day all the more worthwhile.

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