My Speed Is Monitored

This slogan is displayed in the back of every taxi in Abu Dhabi.

My speed is monitored

Sitting by the driver, I could see the warning showing up on the small screen by the driver and voice from the speaker if the speed was more than 80 km/hr.

Violation of 3 times and sustained speeding over 1-2 minutes automatically result penalty of AED100 ($27.23)

For everything, there is a reason. Abu Dhabi Transportation Authority must have sufficient data and reasoning to implement this measure. It is like having a policeman inside every taxi. It might be annoying to both driver and passenger, but safety must have been improved.

I bet those taxi companies, which implemented this speed monitoring system, receive favorable premium.

For drilling operation, safety issue is always the top priority. Accidents occur when we continuously ignore the warnings of problems.

We, drilling engineers, face many operational parameters. While some of them are non-controllable, such as formation type and pressures, geothermal temperature; other parameters are controllable, including well trajectory, WOB, ROP, RPM, mud weight, etc.

Most rigs now have data acquisition system to record those controllable operation parameters. What are missing nowadays are the proper warnings for various conditions, so that drillers can make informed decisions based on those warnings.

This goal can probably be achieved through the collaboration of operations, service companies and drilling software companies like us.

At that time, our drilling rigs can have a sign: “Our Drilling Is Monitored!”

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