Anywhere-but-there Encounter in Denver SPE 2011

Our company participated the 2011 SPE ATCE meeting from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 in Denver, Colorado. Coming from warm, humid and low-altitude Houston, we all felt refreshed when embraced by the strong and cold gust of the mile-high city.

The whole show went well. Personally, one of the memorable moments of the trip was not in the exhibition hall, or conference room, or even in the food court.

That morning after arriving in the booth, I felt the urgency of natural call. I went to the restroom. All the toilets were taken except the last one for physically-challenged, which I took. So, I sat on the toilet stall and started to play “Angry Birds” on my iPhone. Soon, the flushing sound came from my neighboring toilet.

Empty toilet paperThen, to my great surprise, a handful toilet paper was extended to my area below the partition. This caught me unprepared.  I asked: “Excuse me, but for what?”

“You will need it.”, replied the unknown. “I was there before you came.”


Looking at the empty toilet paper holder, I immediately understood the situation: this gentleman saved me from imminent embarrassment.

I thanked him. Even though he could not see my expression, he certainly felt my gratitude.  We never met before, and we did not shake hand and said “Goodbye” that day.  Probably we won’t meet in another millennium. And even we meet; we will not know each other from that encounter. Despite all these, he made my day and inspired me writing this article.

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